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Microsoft 365: Temporary Passwords and Password Resets

Microsoft 365 Password Recovery

In the event you cannot remember your Microsoft365 password or get locked out, here are the steps you should take. Also, note that Microsoft 365 uses temporary passwords as part of the password reset/recovery process.

Remember: The best way to reset your password is through Email Management in your account Domains.

  1. Do NOT use the “reset it now” option in the error box. Doing this may complicate the issue. Go to Step 2.
    Microsoft forgot password prompt
  2. Log in to your account and click on the Microsoft 365 option.
    Microsoft 365
  3. Click on the three dots after your email address:
    Three dotted option
  4. Select Reset Password.
    Reset Password
  5. Copy the suggested password or create your own.
  6. Check the box and click Confirm Password Reset.
    Foundation password reset prompt
  7. If you see this prompt, you may have to change your password one last time.
    Reset temporary password
  8. Be sure to make a note of your latest password reset.